Friday, May 15, 2009

Abundant Opportunities Results in Rational Optimism

Ooh, look how deep I am! I came up with that title all on my own. Go ahead and bask in my amazingness. DO IT!!

Or not. You know, whatever.


Last weekend was a total blast - it was so much fun to see so many friends, and there were people who had left to go all across the country who came down for the weekend! AND, I managed to only spend 30 bucks the whole weekend! Ah, I impress even myself sometimes with my frugality...
This week has surfaced a LOT of opportunities for me job-wise... I will have an interview on Tuesday (still waiting for the confirmation on that one) and then I have another interview on the 29th. Plus, I got called this morning to come in today for work, and I've got something lined up for next Thursday, Friday and the following Monday. So with all the days I've worked this month, I'll have managed to make enough to cover all my expenses. Unfortunately not enough to start growing my savings again, but at least it's enough that I don't have to dig into it!
This week my boyfriend's brother and his girlfriend also came to town and stayed at our place. I was a bad girl and skipped class last night to hang out with them and go for dinner, but I had a really good time. After all the job possibilities open to me, I really feel that I'm going to land something within the next couple weeks, and that makes it easier to relax and enjoy the time that I have now to chill out and not do anything.
Oh! I also drove all the way from my house to the beer store and back! (That's like a few km?) That includes backing out of the driveway, maneuvering in the parking lot, parking, manuevering around the parking lot again, and driving all the way home! I'm working up to driving on main roads now... it's still a little advanced for me, but I'm getting a lot more comfortable in the driver's seat!

Friday, May 8, 2009

I Feel Silly... Oh So Silly...

So tomorrow I'm going to London on the weekend to visit some friends who live there as well people from the Cornwall/Ottawa area who are coming to town as well. I got a text this morning from one of my friends from Cornwall, asking if I wanted a ride because he was going to be passing through Toronto sometime this afternoon. I told him I was already getting a ride with another friend tomorrow afternoon, and that I'd see him then. Then I got another text saying "Are you working today? I'm in Toronto....." and for some reason, even though it was a different area code number (no name popped up), I assumed it was him again and I felt bad for not offering at least to get together while he's in town, so I said we could meet up after I was finished and maybe catch dinner. Texts go back and forth, I find out they're going to Dane Cook tonight and all the text messages say "we" are doing this or that. So I ask who's all with him, and he says Melissa and a bunch of other people. In our circle of friends, we don't have a mutual friend named Melissa... then it hit me that I had texted back my other friend using his contact on my cell, so why would he all of a sudden be texting me from an unknown number with a different area code? Then it hit me who had a friend named Melissa that I know - one of my best friends and roommates from University!! So now I'm meeting up with her while she's in town.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

(Sham)Wow I've Been Working A Lot This Week!

I'm a little addicted to the ShamWow infomercials. I don't know what it is, but it just draws me in and before I know it 15 minutes has gone by and I really want to buy one! Actually, come to think of it, I think I'm drawn in to all infomercials... I'm back at the same place again today, and it's a company that owns like half the networks on tv. So needless to say, in their reception area where I'm at, they've got 9 tvs with all their channels on. And on some channels, all they're playing are infomercials. And when the phone FINALLY stops ringing, I'll just end up staring not at the screens that actually have shows on, but at the screens with the infomercials. Maybe it's because I still know what's going on while watching them on mute.
I've got class again tonight, and I'm going to return the book that I bought on Monday from the bookstore. Did I mention that I bought my textbooks online yesterday for like 100 bucks less? Well I got an email last night saying that one of the books was out of stock, so they were taking that charge off my credit card. That's great, but that was the one book I REALLY needed, that I can't just use the library for - the tests in that class are open book, and our midterm is in 3 1/2 weeks. So I need that book ASAP. Good news is though that I found someone on Craigslist who is selling theirs for 20 bucks less! Huzzah to me!! Well, I still need to hear back from them to see if it's still available, but it was dated yesterday so I should still be good. Especially since the normal school year is over, so I'm just fighting with summer students for it.

Hey, who knew! Those advertisements for calling in to talk to singles aren't just on after 11pm - they're on at 10:30 in the morning, too!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Too Bad It's Only Hump Day

...because I am absolutely pooped! This has been a seriously busy week, and it's only Wednesday. I worked from 12-5 on Monday then headed straight to my HR Admin class, yesterday I had a day contract at a new place from 8:30-5 then scooted over to school for the first night of my recruitment and selection class. On my way home I got a voice mail saying that the person I had replaced yesterday would be off again today, so here I am again today working from 8:30-5. I'm just glad I don't have class tonight, but I do have class again tomorrow night. I'm starting to wonder whether three classes a week will be pushing my limits a bit. I mean, I know that I will do well in all the classes (I'm a bit of a school nerd) but I also know it's going to be tough keeping up with readings and everything else. It like, when I was in University, I would be on top of all my readings for the first month and then things would start to slide... and instead of having all my readings done before the class, I'd half do them after the class. I guess it would help if I bought the books first, though... I just hate how expensive they are!
This weekend I'm heading out town as well to visit some friends who live in the city where I went to school. It'll be nice to see so many people again, I really miss hanging out with them. But it's going to be a busy weekend of travel and then back to the grind with school at least if I don't have contracts at the beginning of next week.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Bagg of Shit Group

I think I've only ever felt 2 ways after an interview; I've either felt like I can conquer the world, or that it wasn't a good match either for myself or the employer. But never in my life have I ever been made to feel absolutely worthless. That is, until yesterday.
I had 2 interviews yesterday, both with different staffing agencies. The one in the morning went great, they asked what I was looking for and what I like to do, and they were friendly people. But the second was with The Bagg Group.
The first thing the lady asked about when we sat down was how far along I was with my HR Management Certificate, because on my resume I have that I'm currently completing it. I told her that I had just started 2 of the courses over the past 2 weeks, and that I'd be taking 3 this summer. Take a moment and piece together what that means to you. I'm sure you didn't even have to take a moment to comprehend that it meant that the 3rd course has yet to start. I had to rephrase it at least 3 different ways for this woman, and it took her 5 minutes to get it straight. Once it sunk in that I was taking 3 courses a week for the summer, she was like "wow that's a lot" and I laughed it off and said yeah, I know it is, because I do. Then she was like "no but seriously, that's a lot" as if I couldn't handle it. This woman doesn't KNOW me. I laughed a bit again and said that I wanted to get a head start on it and finish it by the end of next year. Then she said that she didn't mean to change my plans or anything, but that jobs like PR, HR, Advertising, etc are not in demand right now and they're not hiring, so it was useless to bust my ass trying to finish something that I wouldn't get hired for anyway. Thanks lady for your opinion, but HR is something that really fits with me. Everyone else that I've told about it has been like wow, that really suits you, I can't believe you didn't think of this before kind of thing. And fuck you, I thrive off of a school environment and love the idea of working towards something and studying, and my live-in boyfriend is going to be gone for 2 months so I'm also taking that many so I can keep myself busy while he's at the other end of the country.
Then she asked what I was looking for; I told her ideally, I would love to work in an HR department and was about to finish with "but I know it's unlikely right now, so any admin position I'd be happy with." Instead of letting me continue, she said "Let me just cut you off right there. That's not going to happen. Not through me, anyway." I could tell at this point that she thought I was a deluded recent graduate with "just" a music degree which equated to absolutely nothing in her eyes. How about the fact that I was managing a group of 25 people for a year at the age of 17? Didn't ask about that one, did you, lady bitch?
After clarifying things about my resume and what I wanted, she continued with "So you applied for the position of Personal/Executive Assistant.... but that's not why I called you here HAHAHAHAHAHA." She proceeded to tell me that the guy I'd be working for was the CEO of some company and was basically on the same level of Donald Trump, needing private jets and chefs and things like that. While she was explaining the job, all I could think in my head is that I wouldn't want to work for someone who had values like that. I'm sorry, I don't care how much money you have... seriously, a private jet? What, first class isn't good enough for you?
The she told me about another position that would start around the beginning of June, and that they were requesting someone with a degree for promotability. This peaked my interest. She told me that maybe I would want the weekend to think about it, then she went on to describe the position, basically describing an office bitch; stocking the fridge, taking coats, etc., but that person would need to be gung ho about it and not think that because they have a degree they're too good to do it. Then she stopped and asked me what I thought. Uh, didn't you just say I could think about it over the weekend? Being me, even though I was pretty turned off by the idea of it, I told her that I would have to know more about the promotability position and the compensation of the job to make a decision. She then said that she "sensed I didn't want to do the job, but that I had no job and therefore did not want to turn it away." Which is exactly right, but I would honestly do the job if it paid enough and I knew I could progress in the company. And I'm not the type of person to do a job half-ass - you give me a job, I'm going to do it to the best of my ability no matter what it is.
As we're leaving, she sasy, You know, you should really be up front with me about these kinds of things because otherwise I'm just wasting your time and you're just wasting mine.

I couldn't believe how worthless she made me feel. There are always ways to word things so that they aren't harsh and offensive. And clearly that woman had no clue how to deal with people.

FUCK YOU LADY. I'd say I wish you lose your job in the recession, but I don't want any karmic repercussions. Everyone tells me I should call her manager and tell her about all this, but I don't think it's worth it. Instead, she'll just have to live with being an awful person who doesn't know how to connect with others, and I will have my glory day when I finish my diploma in a year in a half with straight A's, and land myself a dream job in an HR department.