Monday, April 13, 2009

Paying Attention Is Overrated - I'd Rather Eat

Ugh... I HATE applying for jobs. I always screw up SOMETHING on each application, which narrows the amount of people who will probably contact me back. Things like forgetting to attach my resume, or forgetting to change the contact name on the cover letter, or the position name or take out certain parts of the cover letter that pertained to the previous job but has absolutely nothing to do with the one I was working on. Like right now, someone at a property management company is going to be reading my cover letter meant to be for an admin assistant, but instead is focused towards an office admin position. And says office admin position in it. And mentions how I'm taking HR courses which will be useful for assisting the HR manager which is not part of the job description. Gah... I guess I'll just try to be more careful. That way I'll be telling the truth when I say I am detail-oriented.

In other news, I marked yesterday as The Beginning Of The Time When Lil S Stops Eating Crap And Starts Exercising Again. Last spring I ran every day and then in the summer I worked out every day and was really active while I was working at camp. Since then, I have been working office jobs and eating whatever I wanted, far too frequently. Needless to say that especially over the past week, my weight has... inflated. What can I say, I come from a family that eats when we're sad, stressed, celebrating something... so basically all the time. And it's not even that I think I'm fat or anything, I just don't feel as healthy as I did last summer. So I went for a run yesterday (stamina? I had that once? Really?? Could swear that I have NO idea what that is now...) and made shit loads of tea rather than eating cheese and crackers as per the norm so that I would feel full. Helped a little, I guess. But the major issue now is that I'm unemployed so I'm home all day, and that means I have access to my wonderful fridge of yummy surprises all day long. Here's hoping I can resist the urge to shove my face full of food!

Excuse me whilst I make a pot of tea.


  1. I had three servings of poppy seed loaf today.

    Please. Stop. Me.

  2. I was unemployed for a while after I finished school this past summer .. and I think I'm the opposite. I eat more now that I work .. cuz I get up earlier and have 3 regular meals a day. Anyhow, I should start exercising again too, I was fit until I started I just don't find the time for it anymore. Oh. Crap.

    Don't get me started on poppy seed loaf. lol

  3. I miss school just for the fact that I walked a lot more - I was 30 minutes walking distance away from school and just going to and from school was a heck of a lot more exercise than I usually get now!
